February 18, 2025

Everything You Need To Know About Electricity Rates In Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is one such state where you can choose from many competing energy suppliers to enjoy deregulated electricity.

You can look elsewhere from your utility provider to find the best price, plan type, and term length for your power needs through a wide selection of energy suppliers. It protects Pennsylvania consumers from utility rate hikes and other factors that can lead to higher energy bills.

However, state residents still depend on their local utility for delivery and maintenance of electricity like power outages or other issues. With many choices around energy suppliers, you can buy electricity at the best rates and terms that fit all your needs.

It takes a lot of effort in researching for the best rate. Read on to know more about electricity rates in Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania so that you can make a better purchase decision.


Cost Of Electricity in Pennsylvania

After Texas and Florida, Pennsylvania is the third-largest state that generates maximum electricity. Below are the electricity rates for residential, commercial, and industrial use in Pennsylvania.

Residential Electric Rates

The average rate of residential electricity in Pennsylvania is 12.75 cents per kWh. This rate is higher than national average rate of 11.88 cents per kWh and ranks 16th in the USA.

Commercial Electricity Rates

The commercial electricity rate in Pennsylvania is 9.44 cents per kWh, which ranks 24th in the USA. It is lower than the national average commercial electricity rate (10.09 cents per kWh by 6.44 percent. When it comes to commercial electricity, the rates range between 6.86 cents per kWh to 34.88 cents per kWh.

Industrial Electricity Rates

Industries in Pennsylvania enjoy the cheapest electricity rate of 7.23 cents per kWh. It ranks 16th in the country and is 8.4 percent above the national average of 6.67 cents per kWh.

Types of Electricity Plans in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Electricity Rates vary with the plan type and term length and the percentage of sustainable energy that comprises their power makeup. Given below are some common types of electricity plans in Pennsylvania.

Fixed-Rate Electricity Plans

Just like the name suggests, the electricity rate for fixed price plans is not subject to unexpected hikes. Unlike other plans, fixed-price electricity plans offer stability to the consumers. However, you may need to negotiate with the energy supplier to find a mutually determined fixed rate.

Variable Rate Electricity Plans

These plans are best for short term needs as they offer flexibility to consumers to cancel the term plan any time without paying any fee. Variable-rate electricity plans are similar to utilities where prices periodically change with the market fluctuation and change in seasonality.

Green Energy Plans

Apart from the fixed price and variable plans, people are also choosing a renewable source of energy over the traditional one because it helps in saving hundreds of dollars while contributing to the betterment of the environment. Green energy is also being promoted as it helps in combating global problems like climate change and more.

What Is Deregulation in Pennsylvania?

The electric choice and competition act was passed in 1977 by Pennsylvania legislators that allow state residents to shop for an energy supplier different from their utility. A similar measure for the use of natural gas was passed in 1999.

However, consumers still rely on utility companies for the delivery and maintenance of electricity. But this act helped consumers to have access to competitive rates and terms.

As the competition rises in 2010 because of new suppliers in the market, Pittsburgh Electricity Rates began to fall, and consumers gain energy cost savings. More than 2 million people use power sources other than their standard utility company.

A commission funded through regulated utilities in Pennsylvania issues licenses to new suppliers and employs analysts, safety inspectors, enforcement investigators, and others.

How To Choose The Best Electricity Company?

With so many options available, choosing the best electricity provider in the state can be overwhelming. Follow the below-mentioned steps to make a smarter buying decision.

Compare Electricity Rates

You can directly reach out to your local utility company as they keep a price comparison tab to help customers choose favorable service providers. Make sure you consider factors like generation charges, transmission charges, and taxes while making the final decision.

Compare the Terms of Service

Apart from comparing the rates, it is crucial to compare the terms of service of each company. It will allow you to have a bigger picture of your cost as it includes additional fees and miscellaneous charges. In the end, pick a provider with favorable terms of service.

How To Save Electricity In Pennsylvania?

No matter how cheap is your electricity rate, it is always suggested to save electricity whenever you can. It will help you save money and contribute to the environment. Below are some of the most prominent ways to save electricity.

Unplug Unused Electric Devices

It may surprise you, but plugged electric devices continue to consume a small amount of electricity even when they are turned off. Make sure you unplug unused electric devices or use power strips as they do not drain electricity when they are turned off.

Set HVAC System Properly

Another way to save electricity is to set your HVAC system to operate efficiently. For instance, regular maintenance of your air conditioner can help you save a lot of money on your energy bills. Similarly, in winters, you can save electricity by proper insulation.

Use Energy Efficient Electronic Product

Whenever you shop for any electronic product, make sure you purchase only energy-efficient products. Today, electronic brands are investing a lot of capital in making their products better so that their customers don’t face huge electricity bills.

Consider Switching to Renewable Energy

Pennsylvania has invested a lot of capital in building resources for the use of renewable energy. It will not only help you reduce your bills, but you will also contribute to the environment. Going green may require significant investment initially, but it will help you in the long run for sure.


Choosing the right energy plan is essential as it can make a significant difference in your energy bills. Now that you know everything about electricity rates in Pennsylvania- buy your ideal energy plan now by comparing prices and considering the above-discussed factors.

Mark Smith

Mark is a business editor who writes about various topics such as technology, health and finance. He works along with the colourful folks that build a nation through tech startups. He is also a professional football player and video games enthusiast.

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